Unlocking developer tools

Unlocking developer tools

What are developer tools?

Lucid provides developer tools that allow you to create, test, and distribute apps built on Lucid’s REST and Extension APIs:

  1. The developer portal allows you to create new applications. An application contains
    extension packages built using Lucid’s Extension API and/or an OAuth 2.0 client needed to use Lucid’s REST API. The portal is also where you distribute apps.
Step 1
  1. The developer menu allows you to test apps built on Lucid's Extension API.

Step 2

Users without these tools are unable to build or distribute code with these APIs.

How do I unlock developer tools?

There are two ways to unlock developer tools:

  1. Via User Setting: Check the “Enable developer tools” checkbox in user settings.
    Please note the checkbox may be disabled due to account settings controlled by your Lucid Admin.
  2. Via your Lucid Admin: If the “Enable developer tools” checkbox is disabled, ask your
    Lucid Admin to assign you the developer role.

Via User Setting

The “Enable developer tools" checkbox is found in user settings (see GIF below). You can find user settings in your account settings (accessible in the upper right of lucid.app). Please note that admins are able to enable/disable your ability to unlock developer tools in user settings (instructions to do so here).

User Settings

Via Admin

Lucid admins are able to assign a user the developer role (regardless of whether the “Enable developer tools" checkbox is enabled or disabled). Assigning a user the developer role unlocks developer tools for that user. Admins can assign a user the developer role by navigating to the users section of the admin settings, selecting a user, and editing their roles.


Assigning Developer Roles

Note that an admin must be an account owner or team admin to be capable of assigning the developer role (see admin roles for more info). Also note that assigning a user the developer role unlocks developer tools for that user, even if they haven’t enabled developer features in their user settings.

Admin-assigned Role

What’s Next

For in depth examples, check out our sample extensions sample Lucid extensions