Render style
Geometry is rendered using a styling defined within the shape definition or the sub-shape. The highest-level style is used unless it is overridden by a lower-level style. So, for example, if the style is only defined in the top-level of the shape definition, all geometry in sub-shapes would be rendered using that same style.
The style defines the formatting used to render the sub-shape's geometry.
There are 3 main aspects of the style formatting that can be changed:
Property | Type | Definition |
stroke | Stroke (optional) | StrokeSpecifies the geometries' line color and line size. |
fill | Fill (optional) | Specifies the fill type of the geometries.This can be a solid color (type: color ), a gradient (type: linear-gradient or type: radial-gradient ), or an image fill (type: image ). |
rounding | number, formula (optional) | Specifies rounding that is applied to the geometries when rendering. A rectangle with rounding set will be rendered as a rounded rectangle. |
order | geometry (default) , shapes (optional) | Indicates whether top-level geometry or subshapes are rendered first. |
Image map
"images": {
"image1": { "type": "file", "path": "image1.png" },
"image2": { "type": "url", "path": "" },
"image3": { "type": "file", "path": "image3.jpg" }
Images referenced in image fills must be added into the shape's image map within the shape definition in order to identify where the image file comes from (either a URL or internal image added to the LCSZ file).
The image map is a collection of names which reference an image file or URL; the names are then referenced within the image fills themselves.
In a shape definition, you can add a new field: images: { "myImage": Image }
SVG files are supported, however, these vector images will be rasterized.
Image schema
Property | Type | Description |
type | file, url | |
path | string | Indicates either the URL of the image or the filename for internal images (e.g. image1.png ). |
External URLs (i.e., above) directly reference URLs and do not add images to the Lucidchart image manager.
URLs that produce images like single-pixel image trackers can be used for tracking shape usage (as it will operate as a normal web-based image), however if the URL stops being valid or the image referenced by the URL changes, that will affect the shape in the future.
A rectangle styled with a red fill and a 3 pixel blue stroke and no rounding
style: {
fill: { type: 'color', color: '#ff0000' }
stroke: { color: '#0000ff', width: 3 }
rounding: 0
geometry: [
{ type: rect }
A rectangle with an image fill using an internal image file
images: {
"logo": {
type: 'file'
path: 'logo.png'
style: {
fill: {
type: 'image'
ref: 'logo'
mode: 'stretch'
stroke: { color: '#00000000', width: 1 }
rounding: 0
geometry: [
{ type: rect }
A rectangle styled with a transparent fill and a 1 pixel black stroke and 10px rounding
style: {
fill: { type: 'color', color: '#00000000' }
stroke: { color: '#000000', width: 1 }
rounding: 10
geometry: [
{ type: rect }
Updated 11 months ago