Images included in the images directory are uploaded to Lucid and available for referencing in the JSON.

Images are referenced without including directories. To use the file my-gif.gif shown in the example file structure, the reference would be defined as "ref": "my-gif.gif", not "ref": "gifs/my-gif.gif".


The images directory is not allowed to exceed 50MB.

├── images
│   ├── my-image.png
│   └── gifs
│       └── my-gif.gif
└── document.json

Supported Media

.jpeg / .jpgJoint Photographic Experts Group
.pngPortable Network Graphics
.gifGraphics Interchange Format
.bmpWindows Bitmap
.tiffTagged Image File Format
    "fill": {
        "type": "image",
        "ref": "my-gif.gif"