Events associated with admin activity and account changes.
Change Allowed Authentication Methods
When the allowed authentication methods are modified.
"eventType": "administration.account.appSetting.identityManagement.changeAllowedAuthenticationMethods",
"allowedMethods": List[string]
Change Preferred Authentication Method
When the preferred authentication method is modified.
"eventType": "administration.account.appSetting.identityManagement.changePreferredAuthenticationMethod",
"preferredMethod": "google" | "saml" | "password" | "internal" | "salesforce" | "microsoft" | "apple" | "slack",
Change Domain Control Policy
When the domain control verification policy is modified.
"eventType": "administration.account.appSetting.identityManagement.changeDomainControlPolicy",
"domainPolicy": "email" | "google" | "microsoft" | "saml" | "redirect"
User Joined Account
When a user joins an account through any method, including JIT provision, SCIM, domain lockdown gather, admin invitations, and user requests.
"eventType": "administration.account.userJoinedAccount"
User Removed From Account
When a user is removed from the account. This event may be triggered through the admin panel, by Lucid support, or through SCIM when updating a user’s account ID. This event is not logged when a user is deleted.
"eventType": "administration.account.userRemovedFromAccount"
New User Created
When a user is created for an account through the admin panel, by Lucid support, through SCIM, or JIT provisioning.
"eventType": "administration.account.newUserCreated",
"registrationMethod": "added manually by admin" | "new account created by user" | "added through saml" | "added through scim" | "added through individual sso" | "added by sso domain lockdown" | "accepted team invite" | "domain lockdown" | "lucid support" | "added through an integration"
Update User Role
When a new account role is added to a user.
"eventType": "administration.user.updateUserRole",
"role": "account-owner" | "billing-admin" | "compliance-admin" | "developer" | "document-admin" | "group-admin" | "organizational-group-admin" | "organizational-group-admin" | "team-admin" | "template-admin"
Delete User Role
When an account role is removed from a user.
"eventType": "administration.user.deleteUserRole",
"role": "account-owner" | "billing-admin" | "compliance-admin" | "developer" | "document-admin" | "group-admin" | "organizational-group-admin" | "organizational-group-admin" | "team-admin" | "template-admin"
Bulk Document Restoration
When an account has documents restored through Document Discovery.
"eventType": "administration.document.bulkDocumentRestoration",
"documentIds": List[string]
Reset Password
When an administrator updates a user’s password.
"eventType": "administration.user.resetPassword",
"userId": string,
"adminId": string
Generate User Access Pin
When an account admin creates an account pin for Lucid support to have access to documents.
"eventType": "administration.account.generateUserAccessPin",
"expiration": timestamp