Events associated with document/folder access and modification.
Document Created
When a document is successfully created.
"eventType": "content.document.documentCreated",
"documentId": string,
"product": "lucidchart" | "lucidspark" | "lucidscale"
Document Opened
When a document is opened. If the document is opened within Lucid, the DocumentOpenedMethod
will be InApp
. Otherwise (e.g. embedded viewer), it will be External
"eventType": "content.document.documentOpened",
"documentId": string,
"product": "lucidchart" | "lucidspark" | "lucidscale",
"documentOpenedMethod": {
"MethodType": "InApp" | "External"
Documents Trashed
When a document or multiple documents are placed in the trash folder.
"eventType": "content.document.documentsTrashed",
"documentIds": List[String]
Document Deleted
When a document is permanently deleted (i.e., when a user deletes a document from the trash).
"eventType": "content.document.documentDeleted",
"documentId": string
Document Restoration
When a document is restored by an admin.
"eventType": "content.document.documentRestoration",
"documentId": string
Document Folder Entrypoint Updated
When documents are moved to a different folder.
"eventType": "content.document.documentFolderEntrypointUpdated",
"documentIds": List[string],
"destinationFolderId": string,
"destinationFolderName": string,
"isTeamFolder": boolean
Update Collaborator Role
When an individual contributor’s role is changed on a document or folder. This includes when a user is added (e.g., via email, share link, Slack, join ID) or removed from a document/folder..
"eventType": "content.document.updateCollaboratorRole",
"role": "edit and share" | "editor" | "commenter" | "viewer" | "none"
Remove Collaborator
When a collaborator is removed from a document/folder.
"eventType": "content.document.removeCollaborator"
Document Downloaded
When a document is downloaded/exported. The Method
field indicates whether the document is downloaded (“download”) or exported to google drive (“google-drive”).
"eventType": "content.document.documentDownloaded",
"documentId": string,
"product": "lucidchart" | "lucidspark" | "lucidscale",
"format": "csv" | "dpi" | "gif" | "image" | "jpeg" | "pdf" | "png" | "png32" | "slides-to-pdf" | "svg" | "svg+xml" | "svg-transparent" | "vdx" | "vsdx",
"method": "download" | "google-drive"
Document Uploaded
When a user uploads a form of document as a Lucid document (Visio, Gliffy, pdf, etc.).
"eventType": "content.document.documentUploaded",
"documentId": string,
"product": "lucidchart" | "lucidspark" | "lucidscale",
"source": string,
"filename": string
Update Published Document Password
When a user adds a password requirement to a published document.
"eventType": "content.document.updatePublishedDocumentPassword"
Remove Published Document Password
When a user removes the password requirement on a published document.
"eventType": "content.document.removePublishedDocumentPassword"
Create Publish Link
When a publish link is created for a document.
"eventType": "content.document.createPublishLink",
"publishedLink": {
"name": string,
"link": string,
"format": "pdf" | "png" | "jpeg" | "gif"
Remove Publish Link
When a user removes a publish link for a document.
"eventType": "content.document.removePublishLink",
"name": string,
"link": string,
"format": "pdf" | "png" | "jpeg" | "gif"
Set Embedded
When the embedded attribute on a document is turned on or off.
"eventType": "content.document.setEmbedded",
"embedded": boolean
Update Share Link Settings
When the share link settings for a document is changed.
"eventType": "content.document.updateShareLinkSettings",
"shareLinkEnabled": boolean,
"restrictedToAccount": boolean,
"role": "edit and share" | "editor" | "commenter" | "viewer" | "none"
Toggle Join ID
When Join ID is turned on or off for a document.
"eventType": "content.document.toggleJoinID",
"documentId": string,
"joinIdEnabled": boolean,
"joinId": string
Generate Document Access Pin
When a user generates a document access pin for a document.
"eventType": "content.document.generateDocumentAccessPin",
"documentId": string,
"expiration": timestamp
Document Classification Changed
When the classification of a document is changed, including changes made by a user and the automatic assignment of the default classification when a document is created.
"eventType": "content.document.documentClassificationChanged",
"documentId": string,
"method": "User" | "NewlyCreatedDocument" | "Unknown",
"oldClassification": string,
"newClassification": string
Folder Created
When a folder is created.
"eventType": "content.folder.folderCreated",
"folderId": string,
"folderName": string