


optional backgroundColor: string;

For displayType values that support it, you may provide an override for the
background color for this data. If this is not provided, the background color
will default to the background color of the card itself, darkened 5%.

This may be provided as a literal color hex, e.g. "#00ff00ff" or as a formula
by starting the string with "=", e.g. "=darken("#ffffff", 0.5)"


displayType: FieldDisplayType;

How should we generate the stencil/data graphic from the specified field value?
These are registered in LucidCardsLibrary.registerStencilDisplayTypes.


optional foregroundColor: string;

For displayType values that support it, you may provide an override for the
foreground color for this data. If this is not provided, the foreground color
will default to grey.

This may be provided as a literal color hex, e.g. "#00ff00ff" or as a formula
by starting the string with "=", e.g. "=darken("#ffffff", 0.5)"


optional horizontalPosition: HorizontalBadgePos;

Each display type has its default location on the card. You can override those
default locations by setting these values.


optional imageBadgeSettings: ImageBadgeSettings;

For displayType values that support it, you may provide a height and a width
for the image size. Images are 24px by 24px by default.


optional linkFormula: string;

If onClickHandlerKey is OpenBrowserWindow, this formula calculates the URL to open.


optional onClickHandlerKey: OnClickHandlerKeys;

If specified, what behavior should happen when the user clicks on the data graphic
generated via the above displayType?


optional textBadgeSettings: TextBadgeSettings;

Allows the same card to have multiple textbadges but have different properties.
You can change bold, italic, underline, rounding, minwidth, minheight, maxtextwidth, maxfontsize


optional tooltipFormula: string;

If specified, the result of this formula (executed in the context of the data item
associated with this card) will be used as a tooltip when the user hovers the
cursor over this data graphic.


optional valueFormula: string;

If specified, the result of this formula (executed in the context of the data item
associated with this card) will be used instead of the raw field value when
creating the data graphic. This can be useful if, for example, you want to convert
an ID into a URL.


optional verticalPosition: VerticalBadgePos;

Each display type has its default location on the card. You can override those
default locations by setting these values.